- “Expert statement: pneumothorax associated with endoscopic valve therapy for emphysema – potential mechanisms, treatment algorithm, and case examples” – Guideline written by Dr. Hugo de Oliveira, members of the Emphysema Treatment Group, along with professionals pulmonology from Austria, Holland, Germany and USA, published in Respiration Journal (april/2014).
- “Tratamento Endoscópico do Enfisema: uma Atualização” – Article written by Dr. Amarilio, Hugo y Silvia, members of the Emphysema Treatment Group, published in Pulmão RJ magazine (Portuguese).
- “Transbronchoscopic Emphysema Treatment with One-Way Zephyr Valves”. Article written by Dr. Amarilio and Hugo, members of the Emphysema Treatment Group, published in the 2013 issue of Interventions in Pulmonary Medicine.